Christoph J. Pretzer, PhD (Cantab), MA, BA
Lecturer of German, University of Oxford
St Hilda's College
Forthcoming 2020 Article "‘unze an dîsen hiutegen tac' – Historische Distanz und Differenz in der Kaiserchronik" in "Geschichte erzählen: Strategien der Narrativierung von Vergangenheit in der deutschen Literatur des Mittelalters", ed. by Sarah Bowden, Manfred Eikelmann, Stephen Mossman and Michael Stolz (Tübingen: Narr 2020).
2019 Article, "Die Stadt Rom als Herrschafts- und Handlungsfeld in der Kaiserchronik", in 'Erzählen von Macht und Herrschaft. Die Kaiserchronik im Kontext zeitgenössischer Geschichtsschreibung und Geschichtsdichtung', ed. by Elke Brüggen ( 2019).
2018 Article, "Die heiden in Ottokars aus der Gaal Buch von Akkon" in ‘Germanistik in der Schweiz’, Heft 14 (2017), Bern 2018.
2016 Review, "Matthews, Alastair: 'The Kaiserchonik, A Medieval Narrative.'" Oxford 2012, in: 'Medium Aevum' 84.2, Oxford 2016, pp. 352–354.
In preparation for publication
Article, "Kataloge heidnischer Heere in der mittelhochdeutschen Literatur als Sammlung zwischen Ordnung und Entgrenzung", in "Sammeln als literarische Praxis im Mittelalter und der Frühen Neuzeit", ed. by Mark Chinca, Manfred Eikelmann, Michael Stolz, and Christopher Young (Tübingen: Narr, forthcoming 2021).
Submitted for review
Monograph, "Historical Distance and Difference in the Twelfth-century Middle High German Kaiserchronik" (manuscript under consideration by MTU, Max Niemeyer Verlag Munich).
Article, "Between Artifice and Manifestation: Literary Composition in the Prologue of the Kaiserchronik and other Early Vernacular Prologues" (manuscript under consideration by Journal of English and Germanic Philology).
Work in progress
Article, "A Tale of Two Towers. Crescentia's Staging of Sexual Transgression between Openness and Secrecy in the Kaiserchronik's Narcissus Episode"
Article, "Der Weg in die Chronistik: Willehalm in den Handschriften Heinrichs von München Chronik-Kompilat"
Academic Presentations & Papers
26–30 Aug 2019: XXVI. Anglo-German Colloquium, "Sammeln als literarische Praxis im Mittelalter und der Frühen Neuzeit", Ascona, Switzerland, "Kataloge heidnischer Heere in der mittelhochdeutschen Literatur als Sammlung zwischen Ordnung und Entgrenzung".
1–4 July 2019: IMC "Materialities", Leeds, United Kingdom, Roundtable panelist: ‘Brexit and the future we want for medieval “modern languages” in the UK’.
1–4 July 2019: IMC "Materialities", Leeds, United Kingdom, "A compendium of columns in the Kaiserchronik" .
7–8 Dec 2018: Workshop "Narrating Time", Humboldt University Berlin, Germany "Popes from the future and refugees from the past: Non-chronological narration in the Kaiserchronik".
21 Nov 2018: Research seminar, Department of German, King’s College London, United Kingdom "Concepts of History in the 12th-century Middle High German Kaiserchronik".
29–31 Aug 2018: AGS, the Eighty-first meeting, Bangor, United Kingdom, "unt vuogent si zesamene mit scophelîchen worten. The Poeticity of the Kaiserchronik between Artifice and Manifestation".
27–29 June 2018: Conference "Origin Myths", Aberystwyth, United Kingdom, "Transrelanovatio Imperii: Caesar, Charlemagne, and the Germans in the 12th-century Middle High German Kaiserchronik".
25. Nov 2017: Second Annual Conference of the SAGG (Swiss Academic Society of German Studies), Lucerne, Switzerland, "Historische Distanz und Differenz in der Kaiserchronik".
19–20 Oct 2017: SFB 1167 "Macht und Herrschaft", workshop "Erzählen von Macht und Herrschaft. Die Kaiserchronik im Kontext zeitgenössischer Geschichtsschreibung und Geschichtsdichtung", University of Bonn, Germany, "Die Stadt Rom als Herrschafts- und Handlungsfeld in der Kaiserchronik".
4–10 Sept 2017: XXV. Anglo-German Colloquium, "Geschichte erzählen: Strategien der Narrativierung von Vergangenheit in der deutschen Literatur des Mittelalters", Manchester, United Kingdom, "unze an dîsen hiutegen tac – Historische Distanz und Differenz in der Kaiserchronik".
3–6 July 2017: IMC "Otherness", Leeds, United Kingdom, "King Arthur and Julius Caesar: Two Models of Political and Genealogical Identity Formation in the 12th century".
28–30 June 2017: Conference "Power and Identity: the Reading of History in High Medieval Europe (900-1300)", Aberystwyth, United Kingdom, "A Tale of Two Times: Historical Difference and Distance in the 12th-century Middle High German Kaiserchronik".
11–15 May 2017: 52nd International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, Michigan, United States, "Between Artifice and Manifestation: Poetological Invention and Composition in Early Vernacular Prologues".
4 Nov 2016: 60th National Postgraduate Colloquium in German Studies, Coventry, United Kingdom, "Concepts of History in the 12th-century Middle High German Kaiserchronik".
14–16 Sept 2016: AHRC Conference "Time & Temporality", Cambridge, United Kingdom, "Living in the Middle of Times: The Conceptualisation of the Middle Ages from the Beginning of Modernity to the End of Antiquity."
20–22 June 2016: CUSO Colloquium in Bern, Switzerland, "Intentionale Historiographie: Dimensionen historischen Erzählens in der Kaiserchronik".
4–7 May 2016: DAAD Conference "German Pasts - German Futures", Leeds, United Kingdom, "How the Germans became German - German ethnogenesis between the 9th and the 12th century or: What Pegida could learn from the Middle Ages".
18–19 April 2016: German History Society Conference, "Openness and Secrecy in Medieval Germany", Durham, United Kingdom, "A Tale of Two Towers - Crescentia in the Kaiserchronik: Conceptualisation and Modulation of Openness and Secrecy in Pre/Early Courtly Middle High German Literature".
8–9 April 2016: Medium Aevum Conference "Wonder", Oxford, United Kingdom, "From Obscurity to Visibility: The Miraculous Narrative of the Middle High German Kaiserchronik".
25–26 Feb 2016: Centre for Medieval Studies Conference "Dialogue and Difference in the Middle Ages", Bristol, United Kingdom, "Between soteriological damnation and virtual equivalence: Jews and Judaism in the 12th-century Middle High German Kaiserchronik".
13 Jan 2016: Mediävistisches Oberseminar University of Bamberg, Germany: "Semantisierung von Raum und Zeit in der Kaiserchronik"
14 Dec 2015: AMPRAW Nottingham, UK: "The Orthodox heretic: Simon Magus in the 12th-century Middle High German Kaiserchronik"
20 Nov 2015: Imbas conference Galway, Ireland: "Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey Stuff: Chronotopical Interactions and Interrelations of setting and plot in the 12th-century Middle High German Kaiserchronik"
9 Jul 2015: IMC Leeds, UK: "The Path of the Righteous Text: Vernacular Retextualistions of Apocryphal Traditions in Middle High German Chronicles"
9 Apr 2015: Conference "Alte Helden – Neue Zeiten: Die Formierung europäischer Identitäten im Spiegel der Rezeption des Mittelalters" University of Bamberg, Germany: "Daniel, Caesar und die Deutschen: Geschichtsrezeption in der Kaiserchronik"
20 Mar 2015: PRAGESTT Prague, Czech Republic: "Das Problem der Heilsgeschichte in der Kaiserchronik"
16 Feb 2015: German Graduate Research Seminar, University of Cambridge, UK: "Concepts of History in the 12th-century Middle High German Kaiserchronik"